Trip Report: Mt Neva, IPW ~ 9.3.14 (Dryland)

photo 3-1This is mostly a photo summary post of Mt Neva, Indian Peaks Wilderness. I am trying to get to all the areas I will be doing snow profiles on this coming season to get specific photos of areas before the snow comes. I was a little surprised by the lack of snow on the couloir aprons. Juliet Couloir, Phoebe Couloir, Desdemona Couloir, and the northeast slopes are looking sparse. I have been up to Mt Neva a few times over the past year to check profiles. Last June I rode Neva from the upper apron of Juliet Couloir [trip report here…]. The snow last summer actually ended up melting out faster but left more in the couloirs by the time the first snowfalls came.

The permanent snowfield below the apron is about what it is every year. I took some depth profiles and mainly photos for records.

Another reason for this trip was to analyze the alternate winter route from the Caribou townsite to the shoulder on South Arapahoe Peak. The standard route is of course too sketchy for winter travel (although I know people traverse it anyway). There is one crux in this route but I am going to dryland approach this in the next few weeks and try to get waypoints for a way around it.

Mt Neva is of course an awesome peak to ski and ride. Don’t let your guard down in this area if you head up there this winter. There are two very recent avalanche paths off of the standard Arapaho Pass Trail #904 (the summer route). These were easily R2/D2-3 in nature. Another path crosses just prior to Fourth of July mine.

Snow profiles will be updated via feeds as the season gets under way. I will be doing profiles on 5-6 different sites. I may be adding one and dropping another, but Mt Neva will be a sure bet. You can select specifics from the Snow Profile landing page here. Or go directly to the Mt Neva feed page.

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